Quick Notes

Just a quick update that the Diva Wifi link has been fixed and fixed the website not showing up in Firestorm. hypergriding should also still show as grid.furvalleysos.com while furvalleysos.com shows this site even though the certificate is invalid(which is currently being investigated).


Evening everyone, lots of things happening in the last 24 so here's the rundown: FurValleysOS.TK became FurValleysOS.Com after a domain was unamously donated to us for the year, and the grid info is now grid.furvalleysos.com:1024 instead of the ip address. Little issue with https certificates but for whatever reason HTTPS shows this isn't a safe site when it is. We've also added a better cart system that allows you to Subscribe for $10/mo instead of handling single payments that allow you to use a CC or Paypal, plus an option to use Amazon pay. I might try to see about using Virwox for payments also for those that enjoy using alternative currency. None of these interact directly with the grid so it stays free. Been having trouble linking the Diva Wifi pages to blogger correctly and it will eventualy get there, but for now we're linking all that stuff to the Diva Wifi pages. I've also had thoughts of deep-sixing the website and set up a terminal visitors can go to for account creation, managing, etc.. this way all someone has to do is HG into the grid first, then set up their account. Only problem is I know nothing about creating such a device :D Also for whatever reason map tiles in-world stopped showing, but the regions are saving the tiles so I dunno. It's probably something to do with MySQL and whatever was set up when I had Joomla going. In the meantime I'm working on a surface build that's more friendly/softer for visitors and will move the space station to Kitsune Sea for my own personal use. After this post goes out I'll be working on a wish list for the grid that will include everything we'd like to get or see out of our OpenSim experience. Thanks everyone, Logan

How'd we end up here...

Evening everyone, back to using Blogger for the website and dispite what the doman says, the site itself is very secure with https. So, here's what happened. To make a quick fix I at first set it so that anyone that registered would require manual account creation. This was slow and cumbersome so I moved everything to Joomla using the JOpenSim plugin which worked good at first but then started having issues with confusion and accounts not always being created, and now since region pay requres HTTPS, everything's back on blogspot until Google decides what their doing with it. That being said, the registration form for account creation now does it's thing automatically using the Diva Distro forms and will soon add a capcha to help deter would-be bots or spammers. The form also allows same email address to be used on alt accounts and the creation of custom first and last name. If it doesn't check for it, at some point it will be set to check wither that avatar name;s been taken or not. Website portal creation is the only thing at the moment that's manual as the pages are custom done per user. To be honest I've always enjoyed the theme I chose for the site. It feels homey but professional. In the coming weeks I'll be adding a destination guide, stats area, grid map similar to the one JOG uses and other stuff. At some point I'll probably try to make a bot or something that auto posts events in this area here. Also the dot tk is a redirect but always use that url to get here. I don't forsee a need to change it to a dot com, net, or org, so it's staying how it is. 2019's proved interesting for the valleys so far for the greater good, let's see how long it lasts, shall we? ^_^